This can be a very exciting time for many people. This is my favorite part about the hobby. You found old cards in the attic, garage, or someone gave them to you. Now what? The very first thing you want to do is contact Gary Leavitt at baseballcardadvisors. The tendency is to run out and buy a bunch of binder pages and top loaders to put the cards in. DON’T DO THIS!!! I know you are excited, but please refrain from doing anything else. For years, I have seen clients cause great damage to their collection without knowing they were doing it. I have seen several rare baseball cards ruined in the process of trying to ‘keep them safe’. Many times cards are jammed into binder pages or into sleeves causing irreversible damage to the sides and corners. I have even seen people write on the cards…Just leave them in the condition you have found them and call Gary Leavitt. He will give you several options on how to secure the cards safely. It may be binder sheets, boxes, top loaders, or even just leave them in stacks. Whether you want to keep the cards or sell them; it is crucial you know how to secure and store them right away. Congratulations on your baseball card find!!!
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