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National Caramel Baseball Card Set (E220)

The National Caramel Baseball Cards set (E220) from 1921 was produced by National Caramel Co. in Lancaster, PA. The cards were made as black and white issues with a broad black rectangle boarder. The cards measure at 2 x 3-1/4″.

The 3-Year Production Set:

The E220 National Caramel Set was produced over a 3 year period and has a a total of 121 cards. The cards are unnumbered with the common “consists of pictures of 120” on the reverse. These cards are extremely similar to many of the other caramel issues you will find in the era.

We are currently looking to assist in the selling of all caramel baseball cards. Please contact us if you have cards to sell.

1921 National Caramel Checklist:

  1. Babe Adams
  2. Grover Alexander
  3. Jimmy Austin
  4. Jim Bagby
  5. Home Run Baker
  6. Dave Bancroft
  7. Turner Barber
  8. George Burns
  9. George Burns
  10. Joe Bush
  11. Leon Cadore
  12. Max Carey
  13. Ty Cobb
  14. Eddie Collins
  15. John Collins
  16. Wilbur Cooper
  17. Stan Coveleski
  18. Walton Cruise
  19. Bill Cunningham
  20. George Cutshaw
  21. Jake Daubert
  22. Charles Deal
  23. Bill Doak
  24. Joe Dugan
  25. Jimmy Dykes (batting)
  26. Jimmy Dykes (fielding)
  27. Red Faber
  28. Chick Fewster
  29. Wilson Fewster
  30. Ira Flagstead
  31. Art Fletcher
  32. Frankie Frisch
  33. Larry Gardner
  34. Walter Gerber
  35. Charles Glazner
  36. Hank Gowdy
  37. John Graney
  38. Tom Griffith
  39. Charles Grimm
  40. Heinie Groh
  41. Byron Harris
  42. Sam Harris
  43. Harry Heilmann
  44. Claude Hendrix
  45. Walt Henline
  46. Charles Hollocher
  47. Harry Hooper
  48. Rogers Hornsby
  49. Waite Hoyt
  50. Wilbert Hubbell
  51. Bill Jacobson
  52. Walter Johnson
  53. Jimmy Johnston
  54. Joe Judge
  55. George Kelly
  56. Dickie Kerr
  57. Pete Kilduff (bending down)
  58. Pete Kilduff (jumping)
  59. Larry Kopf
  60. H.B. Leonard
  61. Harry Liebold
  62. Walter Mails
  63. Rabbit Maranville
  64. Carl Mays
  65. Lee Meadows
  66. Bob Meusel
  67. Emil Meusel
  68. J.C. Milan
  69. Earl Neale
  70. Art Nehf
  71. Bernie Neis
  72. Joe Oeschger
  73. Bob O’Farrell
  74. Ivan Olson
  75. Steve O’Neill
  76. George Paskert
  77. Roger Peckinpaugh
  78. Herb Pennock
  79. Cy Perkins
  80. Scott Perry
  81. Jeff Pfeffer
  82. Val Picinich
  83. Wally Pipp
  84. Del Pratt
  85. Goldie Rapp
  86. Edgar Rice
  87. Jimmy Ring
  88. Edd Roush
  89. Babe Ruth
  90. Ray Schmandt
  91. Everett Scott
  92. Joe Sewell
  93. Wally Schang
  94. Maurice Shannon
  95. Bob Shawkey
  96. Urban Shocker
  97. George Sisler
  98. Earl Smith
  99. John Smith
  100. Sherrod Smith
  101. Frank Snyder (bending down)
  102. Frank Stnyder (standing up)
  103. Tris Speaker
  104. Vern Spencer
  105. Casey Stengel
  106. Milton Stock (batting)
  107. Milton Stock (fielding)
  108. James Vaughn
  109. Bob Veach
  110. Bill Wambsganss
  111. Aaron Ward
  112. Zack Wheat
  113. George Whitted (batting)
  114. George Whitted (fielding)
  115. Fred Williams
  116. Art Wilson
  117. Ivy Wingo
  118. Lawton Witt
  119. Pep Young
  120. Ross Youngs
1921 National Caramel (E220)
1921 National Caramel (E220)