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American Caramel Baseball Cards Set (E120)

The American Caramel Baseball Cards Set from 1922 is without a doubt, one of the most fun caramel sets to collect. The cards have different color tints to them. All of the American League cards were printed with tan fronts, and the National League cards were printed with green fronts. The cards are sized at 2″ x 3-1/4″ with some variances for mis-cutting.

Easy to Find Issue

One of the main reasons for the popularity of these cards are that they are really easy to find. They were printed in mass and for some reason; many of them never found there way to the garbage cans. However, like many of it’s counterparts during the era; kids liked to glue these into albums which eventually left torn backs when they were finally removed.

Baseball Card Advisers is a collector of caramel cards, so please contact us if you have any.

American Caramel Baseball Cards Checklist

  1. Babe Adams
  2. Eddie Ainsmith
  3. Vic Aldridge
  4. Grover Alexander
  5. Jim Bagby
  6. Home Run Baker
  7. Dave Bancroft
  8. Walt Barbare
  9. Turner Barber
  10. Jesse Barnes
  11. Clyde Barnhart
  12. John Bassler
  13. Will Bayne
  14. Walter Betts
  15. Carson Bigbee
  16. Lu Blue
  17. Norman Boeckel
  18. Sammy Bohne
  19. George Burns
  20. George Burns
  21. Joe Bush
  22. Leon Cadore
  23. Marty Callaghan
  24. Frank Calloway
  25. Max Carey
  26. Jimmy Caveney
  27. Virgil Cheeves
  28. Vern Clemons
  29. Ty Cobb
  30. Bert Cole
  31. Eddie Collins
  32. Shano Collins
  33. Pat Collins
  34. Wilbur Cooper
  35. Harry Courtney
  36. Stan Coveleski
  37. Elmer Cox
  38. Sam Crane
  39. Walton Cruise
  40. Bill Cunningham
  41. George Cutshaw
  42. Dave Danforth
  43. Jake Daubert
  44. George Dauss
  45. Frank Davis
  46. Hank DeBerry
  47. Al Devormer
  48. Bill Doak
  49. Pete Donohue
  50. Phil Douglas
  51. Joe Dugan
  52. Louis Duncan
  53. Jimmy Dykes
  54. Howard Ehmke
  55. Frank Ellerbe
  56. Red Faber
  57. Bib Falk
  58. Dana Fillingim
  59. Max Flack
  60. Ira Flagstead
  61. Art Fletcher
  62. Horace Ford
  63. Jack Fournier
  64. Frankie Frisch
  65. Ollie Fuhrman
  66. Clarence Galloway
  67. Larry Gardner
  68. Walter Gerber
  69. Ed Gharrity
  70. John Gillespie
  71. Whitey Glazner
  72. Johnny Gooch
  73. Goose Goslin
  74. Hank Gowdy
  75. John Graney
  76. Tom Griffith
  77. Burleigh Grimes
  78. Oscar Ray Grimes
  79. Charlie Grimm
  80. Heinie Groh
  81. Jesse Haines
  82. Earl Hamilton
  83. Bubbles Hargrave
  84. Bryan Harris
  85. Joe Harris
  86. Stanley Harris
  87. Charles Hartnett
  88. Bob Hasty
  89. Joe Hauser
  90. Cliff Heathcote
  91. Harry Heilmann
  92. Walter Henline
  93. Clarence Hodge
  94. Walter Holke
  95. Charlie Hollocher
  96. Harry Hooper
  97. Rogers Hornsby
  98. Waite Hoyt
  99. Wilbur Hubbell
  100. Bernard Hungling
  101. Will Jacobson
  102. Charlie Jamieson
  103. Ernie Johnson
  104. Sylvester Johnson
  105. Walter Johnson
  106. Jimmy Johnston
  107. W.R. Johnston
  108. Bob Jones
  109. Sam Jones
  110. Percy Jones
  111. Joe Judge
  112. Ben Karr
  113. Johnny Kelleher
  114. George Kelly
  115. Lee King
  116. Larry Kopff
  117. Marty Krug
  118. Johnny Lavan
  119. Nemo Leibold
  120. Roy Leslie
  121. George Leverette
  122. Dolph Luque
  123. Walter Mails
  124. Al Mamaux
  125. Rabbit Maranville
  126. Cliff Markle
  127. Rube Marquard
  128. Carl Mays
  129. Harvey McClellan
  130. Austin McHenry
  131. Stuffy McInnis
  132. Marty McManus
  133. Mike McNally
  134. Hugh McQuillan
  135. Lee Meadows
  136. Mike Menosky
  137. Dutch Meusel
  138. Emil Meusel
  139. Clyde Milan
  140. Bing Miller
  141. Elmer Miller
  142. Lawrence Miller
  143. Clarence Mitchell
  144. George Mogridge
  145. John Mokan
  146. Roy Moore
  147. John Morrison
  148. Johnny Mostil
  149. Elmer Myers
  150. Hy Myers
  151. Rollene Naylor
  152. Earl Neale
  153. Art Nehf
  154. Les Nunamaker
  155. Joe Oeschger
  156. Bob O’Farrell
  157. Ivan Olson
  158. George O’Neil
  159. Steve O’Neill
  160. Frank Parkinson
  161. Roger Peckingpaugh
  162. Herb Pennock
  163. Ralph Perkins
  164. Will Pertica
  165. Jack Peters
  166. Tom Phillips
  167. Val Picinich
  168. Herman Pillette
  169. Ralph Pinelli
  170. Wally Pipp
  171. Clark Pittenger
  172. Raymond Powell
  173. Derrill Pratt
  174. Jack Quinn
  175. Joe Rapp
  176. John Rawlings
  177. Dutch Reuther
  178. Sam Rice
  179. Emory Rigney
  180. Jimmy Ring
  181. Eppa Rixey
  182. Charles Robertson
  183. Ed Rommel
  184. Edd Roush
  185. Muddy Ruel
  186. Babe Ruth
  187. Ray Schalk
  188. Wally Schang
  189. Ray Schmandt
  190. Walter Schmidt
  191. Joe Schultz
  192. Everett Scott
  193. Henry Severeid
  194. Joe Sewell
  195. Howard Shanks
  196. Bob Shawkey
  197. Earl Sheely
  198. Will Sherdel
  199. Ralph Shinneres
  200. Urban Shocker
  201. Chick Shorten
  202. George Sisler
  203. Earl Smith
  204. Earl Smith
  205. Elmer Smith
  206. Jack Smith
  207. Sherrod Smith
  208. Colonel Snover
  209. Frank Snyder
  210. Al Sothoron
  211. Billy Southworth
  212. Tris Speaker
  213. Arnold Statz
  214. Milton Stock
  215. Amos Strunk
  216. Jim Tierney
  217. John Tobin
  218. Fred Toney
  219. George Toporcer
  220. Pie Traynor
  221. George Uhle
  222. Elam Vanglider
  223. Bob Veach
  224. Tillie Walker
  225. Curtis Walker
  226. Al Walters
  227. Bill Wambsganss
  228. Aaron Ward
  229. John Watson
  230. Frank Welch
  231. Zack Wheat
  232. Fred Williams
  233. Kenneth Williams
  234. Ivy Wingo
  235. Smoky Joe Wood
  236. Lawrence Woodall
  237. Russell Wrightstone
  238. Everett Yaryan
  239. Ross Youngs
  240. J.T. Zachary
1922 E120 George O'Neil Front PSA 4
1922 E120 George O’Neil
1922 E120 Frank Calloway (Callaway) Front PSA 4
1922 E120 Frank Calloway (Callaway) PSA 4
1922 E120 Walter Schmidt Baseball Card Pittsburgh
1922 E120 Walter Schmidt
1922 E120 Frank Welch Baseball Card Philadelphia
1922 E120 Frank Welch
1922 E120 George Uhle Baseball Card Cleveland
1922 E120 George Uhle
1922 E120 Marty Callaghan Baseball Card Chicago
1922 E120 Marty Callaghan
1922 E120 Ed Rommel Baseball Card Philadelphia
1922 E120 Ed Rommel
1922 E120 Bob Veach Baseball Card Detroit
1922 E120 Bob Veach
1922 E120 Joe Oeschger Baseball Card Boston
1922 E120 Joe Oeschger
1922 E120 Clarence Walker Baseball Card Philadelphia
1922 E120 Clarence Walker
1922 E120 Clark Pittenger Baseball Card Boston Batting
1922 E120 Clark Pittenger